What do you do when you feel like your life has gotten off track? You change it, and that's exactly what we did. It was about a year ago on a Sunday night that my husband, Josh, and I were having one of those conversations; you know the one that asks... where we going, how are we doing, and what happened to those dreams we had in our early twenties? Why did we feel like we had fallen into life on autopilot? We talked and talked, something we both do very well. In the end, we were left with one brilliant, one crazy, one fabulous idea. Let's move BACK TO OUR HOMETOWN! The idea of moving wasn't entirely new, but we had NEVER considered moving back to the town where we both grew up. As we talked that night, we both realized how much our beliefs had changed in the past few years, even though the path we were on had not. It dawned on us... to get off autopilot and start moving towards new dreams we had to move. We are lucky because Josh's job pretty much allows us the flexibility to choose where we live. Going back to the beginning is our way of moving towards our family's new dreams and hopes for our future.
Honey Locust Home Moving Day
One super easy part of a move home was we were 1/3 owners in Josh's childhood home. So, we had a place to live. We put our house on the market in March, got an offer in May, and moved at the end of June. It was one of the most bittersweet moments of my life. We were moving from a place we loved, but moving to new beginnings and new adventures. Josh and I have moved 6 times in our 14 years of marriage. This was truly the worst move we ever had! Even crazier, we were moving from a newly constructed, 4-year-old house that we loved (like loooooved) into a 1966 split level with absolutely no character (not so much love).
Moving in
After a grueling week, we finally got all our things in the door and started to get things somewhat situated. While none of our things seemed to make sense in this house, just having our things unpacked and being together as a family made it feel like home. "