December - First Friday

I don't' know about you, but I'm feeling this holiday season! Life feels so different than it did it eight months ago. Admittedly the pandemic and all the changes had me feeling down and overwhelmed. Over Thanksgiving, I reached my breaking point and decided it was time to change my attitude. These days I'm taking time to recognize what I am grateful for, worrying about what I can control in my life.

Speaking of what I am grateful for, I am grateful for you. All your support—stopping by to read my blog, sharing my social media posts, and ordering soap. It means more to me than you will ever know. I truly do a happy dance with every order. Thankfully there has been a lot of dancing this year!

It's been a while since I have done a First Friday post, and there are some new readers here. For First Friday, I share a Cocktail for the month, a round-up of posts from the past month, mention any favorite things I've come across and do a giveaway. For the giveaway, I choose at random a person that shopped in my shop the previous month and send them a prize, from my shop, of course. So let's get to it.

Monthly Cocktail

This month's cocktail is a Bees Knees. I wanted to make a cocktail using honey from our hives and thought this would be perfect. It's a gin cocktail and perfectly refreshing and light for a Friday night.

Ingredients to make two coctails

2 oz gin

1 oz lemon juice

1/2 simple honey syrup

dash of orange bitters

garnish with a lemon twist

Start by making the simple honey syrup; this takes about ten minutes tops. Mix equal parts honey and water, slowly heat until the honey dissolves. I make this in small batches, 1/2 cup of honey, and 1/2 cup of water.

To make the cocktail fill a shaker with ice, add 2 oz gin, 1 oz of lemon juice (I prefer fresh squeezed), 1/2 oz of the simple honey syrup, and a dash of the orange bitters. Shake well and then pour into a glass. I thrifted these glasses; they are so cute; you could also use a coupe glass or martini glass.

Monthly Winner

Melissa R.

Look for your prize in the mail and thank you so much for shopping!

Posts from the past month

If you have not had a chance to check out our kitchen, I renovated it for the One Room Challenge. You can check out the posts here |week 1| week 2| week 3| week 4 | week 5| week 6 - the reveal| It was such a fun project. My favorite part is the ceiling light I made out of a basket, saving me $400.00; you can check that out in week 6.

In the shop

2021 Gift Boxes - This year is hard to give in person, so I put together the 2021 Gift Boxes. When you buy, I will send four boxes filled with four soaps. The first one in December, then the following in March, June, and September.

A few questions that have come up:

Q: Can you have the first box sent to one address and then the following three to a different address?

A: Yes, please put the address it will be going to in March, June, and September as the shipping address and add a note to ship to the billing address for the December box.

Also, be sure to check out the Electronic Gift Cards. They are the perfect virtual stocking stuffer. When you order, they are emailed directly to the recipient.

You can locate Honey Locust Home products at The Small Batch Kitchen in Lansdale and Art On the Hill in Souderton. Both shops are beautiful and filled with perfectly curated artisan local gifts.

Thank you again for all your support in reading my blog, shopping in the store, and sharing my soap and posts on social media. I am beyond grateful.

Happy December!

xo Mindy




One Room Challenge Fall 2020, Week 6, The Reveal