Starting Some Projects

Our little farmhouse, I have not formally introduced you to our new home, but will soon.  There are plenty of projects in our future, as we turn this house and 3 acres into our little homestead, and we plan on sharing the transformation with you.  We moved in November, between the holidays, and getting our kiddos settled it has been hectic, to say the least.  We are just dipping our toes into project land, starting with refreshing bedrooms, and getting the chickens settled.  We are trying to keep things budget friendly, and reusing as much as possible.  I thought I would share our progress.

This is one of the kiddos bedrooms, so far we have painted the built-ins, the walls changed out the bedding, and transformed some existing accessories with spray paint.  These few things have made such a huge difference!!

Looking good right?  We still have so much to do in this space, but I am pretty happy with how it is starting out!

Josh has also been working hard on our little barn.  Currently, we have 12 egg laying chickens.  Josh picked them up, as chicks, the week we moved in, where they then lived in the garage for a couple months.  While they were living it up in the garage Josh cleaned up a little barn we have, making a happy home for them.

Here is what he started with..  

And here is where our happy girls live now.

They are loving their new home!The run is a little small, it is winter, and we plan on expanding it in the spring.  The automated door Josh installed is also pretty awesome.  It is solar automated and goes up and down with the sun.  We ordered it from

We are loving it so far, it is working perfectly.  We still go and check on the chickens in the morning and evening, but it is nice knowing the door is open with the sun and closed in the evening.These girls are about 4 months old and we have a couple of months before we start getting eggs.  We are so ready though.  There is nothing better than a fresh egg from your own coop!


Preparing for Pigs - Repurposed Pig Paradise


Soap Talk - Ingredient Spotlight