First Friday - January

2022! Happy New Year!!

Like most people, I'm not putting any expectations on the year. This year I'll be focusing a lot more on decorating my home and getting some gardens planted this year because that will make me happy.

Thank you,

for a great end of the year! I loved filling all your orders over the holidays! I am busy making and replenishing the shop and am looking forward to filling more orders in the upcoming year.

Monthly Winner

Denise P.

First Friday Cocktail

for 21 and older

Pomegranate Cocktail

I'm still detoxing off sugar from the holidays. So this month's cocktail is low in sugar and super refreshing

Vodka and Pomigrante Seltzer


1 oz your favorite Vodka

Pomegranate Seltzer

Pomegranate Seeds

Orange Slice


Add the pomegranate seeds to the glass first and top with ice; add an orange slice and muddle to release the juices, add 1 oz of Vodka and then fill the rest of the glass with pomegranate Selzer and enjoy!


As I mentioned, I am looking forward to decorating and gardening this year and doing things that make me happy. Right now, leaving this little tree up in my kitchen is making me happy. I am all about taking Christmas down right after the New Year. For now, I'm leaving this tree up until the end of January. In these darker cold months, the glow makes me happy. Here is your permission to leave a little glow in your house after Christmas.

Also, I want to share these prints I picked up from Ikea. My girls and I went for something to do over break. I left with these, and they are perfect in our kitchen. I love that they were $20.00 for the two.

Ikea prints

That's all I have for now. Here's to a New Year!!

xo Mindy


First Friday - February 2022


First Friday - December