Happy Wednesday!  A memory recently popped up on Facebook; it was a post I did several years ago sharing 25 random facts about me.  It was fun to go through them and see what I had to say at that time in my life.  It's pretty obvious I like making soap and decorating, so this is just some randomness about me.  I would love for you to leave a comment and tell me something about you.

1 - posting and sharing makes me nervous and anxious.  I am not confident in my writing, or in sharing my work.  I have a mini panic attack every time I post.  I often write out posts on Facebook or Instagram and delete them.  So why have a website where the sole purpose is to share?  Because in the end I ultimately really enjoy blogs, I enjoy reading them, and I do enjoy sharing.  It also pushes me outside of my comfort zone to help me grow.

2 - I wanted to make soap for a long time before I actually made it.  In 2006 the kiddos were young, and I was interested in switching to more natural products.  I did a lot of reading on how to make soap but never did.  I was too scared to work with the lye, and I was okay buying at local markets.  I put the idea aside until Josh finally made soap in 2013.  I made my first batch of soap in 2014 and never looked back.

3 - Moving from State College was not as easy I thought it was going to be.  I thought it was going to be easy to stay in touch and go back and visit with friends.  And also when we were deciding to move, I honestly thought it was going to be temporary, and we would move back in a couple of years.  That did not happen.  We also find it hard to make it back and visit.  The kiddos activities keep us pretty grounded at home, it's too hard with their schedule to make trips. So State College peeps if you are reading this I miss you and think of you often!

4 - I am a Dance Mom. I spend a lot of time diving kiddos to and from the studio.  It drives me a little crazy, but in the end, I love watching my girls perform and doing something they love.

5 - I do not have a green thumb, at all.  If you follow our Instagram you see our gardens and aquaponics system; it is all Josh.  If you ask him, he will let you know I am horrible at watering and cannot grow much of anything.  Becoming a gardener is a goal of mine.

6 - I rarely sit down to watch TV,  but I do binge-watch shows while I make soap.  Right now I am watching Grey's Anatomy, or Orange is the New Black.

7 - I have a day job!  I spend my days as a Substitute Teacher.  It's kind of perfect because I can work most days, but when I need a day to focus on HLH I can.  I also have my real estate license but do not practice.  My goal is to make Honey Locust Home my full-time job.

8 Getting around in the morning, I mean showering, getting dressed, and generally putting myself together for the day It is my least favorite part of my day.  The whole getting wet, cold and then having to redo my hair/makeup just takes up time.  So much I would rather be doing.  But using my soap helps:)

9 - I hate baths even more than showers. I cannot relax and end up just sitting there thinking of all the things I should be doing instead.  Maybe I should try a lavender bath bomb.

10 - I stopped wearing perfume when I was pregnant the first time, I could not stand the smell, but I now wear and love Ginger Souffle by Origins.  I stole the scent off my sister-in-law.  It is spicy, fresh, and clean.  I love it!

11 - I have a B.S. in Hospitality Management from Penn State.  I would still like to own a restaurant or maybe bed and breakfast with Josh, maybe one day.  WE ARE!!

12 - I am still friends with my high school friends.  We have a standing summer weekend getaway every year.  It is one of my favorite weekends of the year.

13 - My favorite color is blue.

14 - I have anxiety, it started in college.  That is when it was at its worst, now that I am in my 40's I find it much easier to manage.   Making soap and having this little business has been the best for it.

15 - My sister is the person that makes me laugh the hardest.

16 - I don't mind going out to dinner, to the movies, or shopping by myself, but I hate walking into parties by myself, even if I am meeting people.

17 - I was 22 when I married Josh, and he was 25.  We have had our ups and downs, but he is the man I love and am still excited to be with him every day.

18 - One of the best decisions I ever made was to leave my full-time job to stay home with my girls.  The years home with them were my favorite in every way.  The years I stayed home the girls I earned a 2-year degree from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, I became a PA Licensed Real Estate Agent and started Honey Locust Home.

19 -  My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate.

20 - If you are going to buy me a drink make it a gin and tonic and I take my coffee black.

21 - Josh and I are following the Dave Ramsey plan to financial freedom.

22 - I fast one day a week (usually Tuesdays) as in I don't eat food for 36 hours.  Josh has been fasting one day a week for the past two years, and I decided to join in the fasting fun this year.

23 - It blows my mind that we live on a farmette.  We have had  11 chickens, 11 quail, 3 pigs, 5 turkeys, a dog and a cat (RIP Floyd)

24 - I am lucky to have supportive parents (hi Mom, I know you are reading this!)  I am sure they would have more comfortable with me having a secure job with benefits, but they support all my creative adventures, and for that I am grateful.

25 - I love teaching soap making classes.  It is not something I often do, but I love sharing what I know and hope to have more opportunities to teach in the future.

Well, there are some random facts about me.  Tell me something about you!

Have a happy day. xo Mindy


